Thursday, December 15, 2005

Thugs R Us

A few weeks ago the chattering classes had a field day with an attention-grabbing story from Punjab’s heartland. Surprisingly, apart from an allusive photograph (above) on the front page of 7 December’s Nation newspaper, no local newspaper appears to have had the will or inclination to report it.

As I haven’t blogged for the past month, I might as well recount the tale for the benefit of those who have still not heard it.

It goes something like this:

On a late October or early November day a modern-day ‘prince’ of Punjab was driving through the streets of Lahore accompanied by his usual cavalcade of goons and armed police escorts.

It just so happened that a young Pakistani lad, visiting from abroad, made the unfortunate mistake of driving too close to the fast-moving convoy and his vehicle grazed one of the police patrol cars. Suddenly all hell broke loose as he was dragged from out of his car for this perceived act of lèse majesté and slapped about by the police (and according to some accounts, the incensed ‘prince’ himself).

Not satisfied with this dose of chastisement the annoyed ‘prince’ had the young man sent to a police thana for further punishment. At the police thana the Punjabi tullas thrashed him with their customary zeal.

After the passage of some time one of the policemen took mercy on the by now bruised and battered young man and provided him with the opportunity of telephoning his family to let them know of his unfortunate predicament. The young man called up his aunt, who interestingly enough turned out to be one Mrs. Sehba Musharraf.

Soon two cars drove up to the thana from the Lahore Corps command. After severely ‘chastising’ the police the soldiers took the injured young man away.

Shortly afterwards a missive from Islamabad was delivered to the 'prince’s' father, who happened to be Pervaiz Elahi, the Chief Minister of Punjab. Elahi Sr. was told that his son Moonis, already notorious for making
extraordinary profits in Lahore real estate, either left Pakistan within twenty-four hours ‘or be prepared to face dire consequences’.

And so Moonis, in the characteristic manner of most bullies, fled to London on the first available flight.

Now coming back to the photo - it was on the Nation’s front page more than a month after the malevolent incident. It was accompanied with the following innocuous subtitle, “President Pervez Musharraf meets Chief Minister Ch Pervaiz Elahi and his son Moonis Elahi”. In political speak this means: The Big Boss’s has officially forgiven Moonis and the bounder has been allowed back in to Lahore.


Undoubtedly some urban armchair intellectual will blame Moonis Elahi’s behaviour on his feudal upbringing and others will nod their heads wisely in agreement. This argument does not hold water

Why? Well Moonis’s family (along with the vast majority of Punjab’s MNAs and MPAs) are members of Punjab’s traditional urban middle classes. In fact the founding father of the Gujrat Chaudhries was one Zahoor Elahi, a police constable who gradually rose to political success and notable wealth by devotedly
supporting each and every military dictator - General Ayub Khan (1958-68), General Zia-ul-Haq (1977-88) and General Pervez Musharraf (since October 1999).

The problem is that in the Punjab Assemby it is no longer possible to distinguish the new lot of urban politicians from Lahore, Faisalabad or Gujranwala from the traditional feudal politicians from Multan or Dera Ghazi Khan. Over the decades the newly-minted chaudhries have forsaken their traditional tehmats (or in case of the more modern, western suits) for the Pathan/Baloch garb of waistcoat & shalwar kameez .

Recently another one of these nouveau feudal politicians hit the headlines for his crass misdeeds. He is none other than Musharraf’s current Federal Minister for Law, Justice & Human Rights, a lawyer from Faisalabad by the name of Chaudhry Mohammad Wasi Zafar. Wasi Zafar is a lota from the PPP; he got re-elected as an MNA after switching allegiance to Muslim League (Chumcha group) in time for the 2002 general elections.

In August Wasi Zafar and his son got involved in a brawl at the Karachi airport with a passenger who had questioned their preferential treatment by the security staff.
The News reported that the injured passenger, who had been subjected to vicious ‘punches and kicks’, needed on the spot medical treatment by medical officer of Civil Aviation Authority.

Only a month later this same Musharraf-appointed national upholder of Law, Justice & Human Rights was involved in another fracas at Islamabad’s Marriott Hotel. According to newspaper reports the Minister from Faisalabad entered one of the hotel restaurants at midnight and got so displeased by the delay in the delivery of his meal that he ended up thrashing a poor waiter by the name of Zulfiqar.


Anonymous said...

It's the same scenery all over Pakistan...Anyone sensing the least power in his ass treats others like dogs and this thing gets multiplied many times when the percieved delegation of power from the earstwhile armed forces comes into play.

Anonymous said...

As good a place as any to ask. Do u have any thoughts on how would Pakistan beign fixing all of its problems?

A Different Drum said...

For starters by drastically cutting the defence budget and using the surplus funds on education, education and more education.

We want Pakistani citizens to participate in the 21st Century (and avoid getting lost in a fantasy of recreating a mythical glorious past)to the very best of their abilities.

With proper education (not just the three 'R's and sciences but a solid dose of liberal arts as well to to make us aware of the world around) we may get a more tolerent society, a new better-gifted leadership and improved economic prospects for the country as a whole.

Anonymous said...


What are the three 'R's though?

A Different Drum said...

Often called the core building blocks of basic school education,the three R's are:
(W)riting Reading and (A)rithmetic

Anonymous said...

Moonis elahi and his family are liars. And did you know last year when moonis elahi got married and there was the earthquake in Kahmir and all the reports said that his wallima was cancelled well they were all lies, it did happen at the dorchester hotel in London. I have got nproff of that. They are all just liars and heartless pigs.

Anonymous said...

Dear onlooker,
before making an assumption about moonis elahi, it would have been fair to your article, you should have met him.

Anonymous said...

Moonis Elahi and his family are very nice people and have done alot for the people of Pakistan! Just go to Pakistan and ask anyone, but I guess there is no pleasing some people!

Anonymous said...

Moonis Elahi's valima did take place was "disguised" as roza opening. Also the girl he married in London , her father (his father in law) was convited of drug smuggling in America and served a jail sentence in Alabama state penetentiary.This is true as memebr of the girls family told me this.The father in law was using the name Shamim Azhar and now is known as Shamim Jahanghir.The father in law has made his moey through fraud so he and the Elahis make a good couple.

Anonymous said...

It is understandable that comments are being passed about monis elahi as he is a political figure. His family should be left out of it.

Anonymous said...

Monis Elahi's family are decent people and should be left out of all this politics. It just shows that people are jealous and you shouldn't believe everything you are told! Monis Elahi's father in law is an old respectable Haji from London. You should get your information correct before you put stories on the interenet about him!Be afraid of GOD!

Anonymous said...

The Elahi's are very respectable people and they only associate with respectable people. Other people who find it difficult to come into their circle then go away feeling jealous and as a result put crap about them on the internet. That shows that some people have class like the Elahi's and other's don't. So come to terms with the fact that the Elahi's are successful especially Moonis Elahi a wonderful young business man with many things to offer Pakistan.
So keep out of the Elahi's personal matters and if you are going to get involved then have the guts to say who you are!

Anonymous said...

Well, what have they the Chaudharies done for Pakistan, except for making friends with all the military dictators, arranging attack on Supreme court in Nawaz Sharif's time. Supporting each dictator that captured Pakistan. They have no fan base outside Gujrat, they rule by marrying their adopted daughters to people of other political and bureaucratic families.
I do not know much about Moonis Elahi and the discussed incident but the same Chaudhries who supported Nawaz Sharif are now supporting Musharraf. They area bunch of hypocrites. And the last comment posted tells u about the people's mentality who are associated with these chaudhries.

Anonymous said...

Just found this (better late than never) while researching for an upcoming post. According to Geo TV today, Wasi 'Long Arm' Zafar is now Minister of Privatization and Zahid Hamid is new Law Minister.

Anonymous said...

i think the elahis are a gr8 family

Anonymous said...

Moonis Elahi aka "ManHoos Elahi"... is just a crook like his matter what he says or what he does....being a crook is in his blood...i am 100% sure this moron is going to lose from lahore....let it be clear that we all in Lahore HATE his bastard.

Anonymous said...

His family talks about the great political background and how they made millions from businesses...dont forget the co-op the end of the day..CH.MANHOOS ELAHI is the grandson of an ordinary constable...a idiot..and just another corrupt police wala....hes living up to the expectation of his "constable" grandfather!..well done manhoos...your grandfather would have been proud of you!

Anonymous said...

The poeple have spoken. We has don't want people like Moonis and his father and uncle...all crooks. Run for your life bum wipes...go to Dubai. We don't need scewballs like Moonis in this counrty.

Manhoos Elahi kay moon pay thappar para...he spend billions of haram ka pasay on elections and still Lahoris REGECTED him...discarded him like trash that he is.

For all the pseudo intellectual homosexuals that supported him...get a hint...this is how much people hate him and rest of the Chaudhry ghundas. They r now HISTORY!!!

Anonymous said...

Moonis Lost by 1,600 Hundred Votes only & from Gujrat won by 10,000 Votes. Nawaz Sharif AKA BARA GANJA & Shabaz Sharof AKA Choota Ganja made sure that he wouldn't win tfrom Lahore, Its common knowledge that 3 Polling Stations were closed down for 1 Hour and CHOOR SOHAIL BUTT was in there.Can u imagine....Monis was brave enogh to compete from NAWAZ & SHABAZ's Home. Model Town is were the Ganjas Live...This constituency is hwat Larkana is for PPP....they had to rig the election there to one Likes the Sharifs in Lahore..they are Bhagors...they ran away....and now both of them are Zardari's bitches....ppl of Punjab respect that its better to lose or sit in the opposition then becoming ZARDARI's BITCH with a hair transplant...

Anonymous said...

Looks like one of Moonis's aka MANHOOS elahi's thugs finally learned to use the internet!...or it must be someone from his "team" who helped him during the elections..the "TEAM" that got projects from Mr. Manhoos..dont you guys get it...FUCK OFF ...go the whore houses you came from in Gujrat...oh wait i forgot chacha Shujat and his brothers sold everything in Gujrat and bought whorehouses in spain!!..weve had enough of you...just leave us alone in Lahore...WE HATE MOONIS AND HIS FAMILY...stop crying about HOW you lost...when you lose a single vote is enough let alone 1600!!!! idiots...go ask daddy Moonis for some projects in guys wont be getting any in Punjab anytime soon!...oh by the way...i cant wait to see MANHOOS Elahi on a red light stop in Lahore!! THAT is really funny...what a change!!!...looks like his Third marriage will be in spain...when he gets kicked outa the country next time! ha ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

If you read the comments on this page you will immediately see the problem with Pakistan. 85% of you are illiterate, 10% are of an incredibly unintelligent variety who think that where you come from or who you’re ancestry is has any bearing on who you are as a character or politician.
Who cares if Moonis’ grandfather was a Constable or a King and why does it matter if Moonis has wealth or is Poor. I am sure Moonis has made mistakes in his life but maybe you should look at yourselves as a nation and realise that his mistakes as a youngster are your failings as a nation.
The fact is that Moonis is one of the 5% that is actually trying to pull Pakistan (kicking & Screaming) into the 21st century whilst keeping grounded in the principles of Islam.
But instead of electing him you choose to ‘elect’ a goverment, which is disjointed in the extreme and un-equivocally corrupt. Believe me, I am no supporter of Musharraf but Moonis is the sort of man that can take the nation forward.
Pakistan needs to look at it self and see that it is a disunited mess of corruption at the moment and the only way to better yourselves is Islam, Education and Democracy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above comments...but we all have witnessed in Lahore..waiting on traffic lights in 45C temperatures for a chief ministers son...havent we seen enough of him...and PLEASE stop associating religion with corrupt and immoral people like sound no different than a moulvee using religion for his own gains....i really dont even have to go into details regarding this...but again..i still can't get over the fact the the above writing actually terms Moonis as honest and different than zaradri ..nawaz sharif lost for words..thats all i can say..weve all seen 8 years of HONESTY from him and people around him....the selfless leadership has led us into the dark ages ( no electricity) i think that was also everyone elses fault ..which range from simple potwaris to son of an ex serviceman...lets not get into names etc...and what political party??? they cant even hold thier own when the time came to defend we can all see...if Moonis is Pakistanis only hope ...the writing is on the wall..we are screwed big time!

Anonymous said...

Kicking and screaming is the word for Moonis...thats the only thing people like him do best...worse than animals......every single one of them!

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA "Kicking and screaming hes trying to take us into the 21st century".....hey at least its an improvement compared to his father and uncle who has tried to take us into the 21st century by "Kicking, barking and biting!!!" the way..someone should tell his wife that going around online creating communities on facebook etc and trying to portray the idiotic corrupt bastard husband of hers as an intelligent human trying to save Pakistan is useless...were all aware of what this asshole has done in the last few years...lets leave it at that...she should avoid going online because this is one medium where people like her cant block, stop or silence anyone who points out the truth compared to other mediums in Pakistan. Goodluck in trying to silence everyone!...the biggest joke of this forum is that Moonis elahi is our last hope!!...HA HA HA he lost the fucking election from Lahore...don't you guys get the message....stop whining like a bitch and accept defeat with some grace!..oh wait your breed wasnt trained by Master Musharaf with that skill!

Anonymous said...

It seems like last comment has been posted by some one who may have a person problem. Maybe his ex wife.... or one of her friends

Anonymous said...

I hear that moonis is coming back as CM of punjab by over throwing the current govt. I'm glad...we deserve him. He will complement Zardari pretty well...both r liars and thugs.

Hey all you supporters of moonis aka "team moonis", including the current wife (soon to be ex-wife I hear), now it is ur time ot shine once again...u can again get "projects" and make millions. Just make sure the short tempered manhoos does not beat up zardaris nephew this time and get kicked out to Dubai again.

nonimus said... dis stuff abwt Moonis's in laws true, abwt his father in law and his wife. I mean how can u ppl know this for sure, and all this stuff abwt Moonis and his family himself. Well if any of this stuff is true, which im finding it hard to doubt, then what has the has PAKISTAN come to!

Anonymous said...

The blog above me was written bye Zardari kee Haram kee aulad!...bilkul baaap kee tarah bolta haye!...akhir baap pay gya haye!

Anonymous said...

Ok im sorry but wthh...didnt understand a word of dahhh
Moonis elahi....In laws....same old same old....Thugzz

Anonymous said...

While such comments are true for all politicians in Pakistan. But by claiming that only Chaudhries and Punjabis have these qualities, this guy sounds like a typical PPP 'lafanga'.
Everyone knows what happened and that it was very wrong.
But this guy has presented a cooked-up version of the real story.
He is worried about one politician having his wedding in London, but will not find enough courage to tell what other party animals of PPP were doing during earthquake.

Anonymous said...

excuse me
aap thamees sai bhole....hamrai paas bohoth saari evidence hai jho suport karai gee hamai jab ham kehthe hain kain Moonis elahi aik bakwas or corrupt banda hain!!!....aur hamarain paas aur evidence hain os khi 'in laws' kain barain main....The In Laws are a corrupt ex drug dealing illegal family tho aap thora soch samajh kain bhole!!

Unknown said...


What can one say about the future of Pakistan after reading these comments? I guess all that comes to my mind is that we probably need another 50 years as a nation to be qualified as human beings with a purpose which actually makes sense and is worthwhile.

But I don't suppose anything what I say to this nation will make any difference. As the saying goes "One is not able to help someone who doesn't believe needs any help".

Anonymous said...

Soo true
but i think our opinions allow some, who probably don't know the actual facts of Pakistan, to be aware of what is actually going on!
But at the end of the day, nobody is perfect, especially pakistani politicians, corruption and lies is what pakistan is being based on, ew didnt create this country to do this, so i thik we need to forget enemies and petty fights, and focus on bringing back peace in Paksitan, and make Qaid e Azam proud of the country he fought for.

Anonymous said...


Chaudhry Zahoor Elahi (died 25 September 1981) was a politician from Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan. Chaudhry Zahoor Elahi founded a political family of Pakistan, known as Chaudhries of Gujrat.

He began his career in the late 1930s as a police constable of the Punjab, although after allegations of corruption which were not proved he was dismissed from the force[1] and afterwards with all his black money he became a cotton manufacturer. He eventually purchased and operated a textile mill after independence of Pakistan.[2] He settled in Gujrat. He was a Jat of the Warriach clan[3]. He entered local politics in the 1950s.[4] During Ayub Khan's time, Zahoor Elahi aspired to be governor of West Pakistan, Nawab of Kalabagh Amir Mohammad Khan, the incumbent governor, jokingly told his friends that if Elahi were not careful, he would put him in his proper place and reinstate him a constable[1]. As secretary-general to the Convention Muslim League, he came to oppose Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.[5] In his conflict with Bhutto, he was imprisoned, and family property was taken by the Government[6], he was assassinated in 1981.

Anonymous said...

Moonis Elahi is being true to his Pedigree!!

Anonymous said...

Moonis Elahi son of Musharraf’s former Chief Minister Punjab, took over hundreds of acres of Roberts Farm land located in Rahimyar Khan. This land was given to Moonis Elahi on subsidized rates, abusing his father’s official position, while the tenants who worked on the land having the first right, were denied this right.

Anonymous said...

tell you guys what, Monis Elahi is a scumbag + dickhead as his father is, they ate pakistan in few years. Motherfuckers

Khalid Shabbir said...

Hey listen you dickface don't just point out wikipedia as source, wikipedia also has a source about Usama Bin Laden so what should we think ? that usama is a good Guy ?

So plz Fuck off and stop supporting your Illegal father Moonis Elahi and PML Q Including Musharraf.

If I had the chance, I could Make those motherfuckers Pay.

1.Pervez Musharraf
2.Manhoos Elahi
4.Sheikh Rasheed
5.Shaukat Azeez
6.Arbab Raheem

Trust me the world will be a much better place without them.

And one more thing if anyone writes here in their favor that means he was never born in Pakistan !

- A True Pakistani

Anonymous said...

tum sab k sab kutay k bachay ho i bat sumj mai Moonis jaisa poray pakistan mai koi nahi hay his personality is to good aur tum dekhna baighairto inshallah wo pakistan ka prime minster hoga.u r all big bloody basturds and bullshit apni maa aur behno ko b behj do mai request kr do ge Moonis ko in sab ko rakh lo tum sab b us k salay ban jao.

Anonymous said...

jis jis kutay k bachay nai moonis ko manhoos likha us ka poray ka pora khandan manhoos achi maa ki kuti aulado phele apne undar jhanko phir moonis ko kuch kehna us jaisa acha to shayad he koi pakistan mai ho par tum sab ghatia ho jo aik sharif insaan k baray mai aisi batain karte ho kabi us say milo phir yai sab likhna ghatia aur baighairto.

Anonymous said...

moonis koi ap k sath ho ya na ho mai hamesha ap k sath ho ap ko pata hai mai kon ho agr na pata chale to apnay secetary say poch laina wo bta dai ga.

Anonymous said...

maan di kuss bhai thadi vee, moonis tuaadi maan da yaindar jay ? ya ohnay tuadi maan noo haray rang da brazier tay underwear lay k ditta see, Prime minister tay o odon vee nahin ban sakayga jay oh saray jahan kolon bund vee mara away,, ahahahhahaha

Khurram Butt said...

quote : tum sab k sab kutay k bachay ho i bat sumj mai Moonis jaisa poray pakistan mai koi nahi hay his personality is to good aur tum dekhna baighairto inshallah wo pakistan ka prime minster hoga.u r all big bloody basturds and bullshit apni maa aur behno ko b behj do mai request kr do ge Moonis ko in sab ko rakh lo tum sab b us k salay ban jao.

Teri maan dee kuss kisi phuddi naal texi chalaan wali daya bachya, pehlan apni english check kar fer try karin, maan di kuss kaaf league the tay manhoos elahi di , yakko , gashtio

PPP Zindabad

Anonymous said...

yaar aap sub log kya bakwas kar rahay ho , usay manhoos manhoos keh rahay ho sharam haya to hamaray Mulk say khatam hee hogai hai , acha horaha hai hum logon k saath , Kuch to sharam karo usay Manhoos na Kaho, Usay Kanjar Kaho Beghairto

Anonymous said...

Moonis belongs to a family that has always supported military rulers. His family had no political background until grandfather Chaudhry Zahoor Elahi, a lower middle class man, became a local councillor in the early 1950s. The family is now an industrial powerhouse, involved in sugar, textiles, flour mills and agriculture. Elahi connected his family to the elite of the country through a web of marriages. The family was always prepared to join hands with military rulers, serving Gen Ayyub Khan (1958-68), Gen Zia ul-Haq (1977-88) and now Gen Pervez Musharraf (since Oct 1999).

Anonymous said...

Yes his family were no one before they joined hands with the army and dictators. They have damaged our country and should be hung in public. People of lahore rejected the Ch. and specifically Moonis when he lost the election from there. The so called liberal/young leader is nothing but a goon and a dakoo like his father and uncle (who also lost his election from his "home town").

It is time for our nation to stand up against such dishonest people and drive them out of their own house. they have been exposed and we should say they r corrupt.

Anonymous said...

Stop leaving crap about Moonis Elahi on the internet. Obv u guys hav no life and have nothing better to do wit ur time. If u have a prob do sumthin bout it u bastards. U guys act like u hav fuckin balls but obv nt. Atleast Moonis Elahi is doing sumthin to make a diff to Pakistan and u guys r jus jeaous bastards cause he has the resources and the money and u fuckers hav nothin. Fuckin freaks. Screw u cause at the end of the day u fuckers can not do anything. Leave him and his family out of it. We r all responsible for the way Pakistan is stop blaming it on one family.

Anonymous said...

maan di kuss shorya teri vee te ohdi ve, wadda angrez ban k aya wain, moonis di najayez oladady, aho tay ek waari fer teri maan di kuss vich gandoo da lun..

Anonymous said...

people who dont know moonis say a lot of bullshit about him but they dont know that he has a heart of gold! and if pk does get a leader like him u all who r saying crap abt him should thank their lucky stars!!! moonis rulesssss and guess wat i luv him like hellllllllllllll!

Anonymous said...

well no doubt moonis is a thug and a hoodlum...
look at his company ...mohsin habib waraich son of ex law minster of musharaf's regime and a retired ARMY officer, bashir hasnain, ahmed etc etc
they all equally fucked punjab like anything...they have a lot of real estate in dubai and london worth millions of dollars.... look what have they done to the poor pakistani people!
if they admit their mistakes and return the money which they took from bank of punjab with the permission of their friend hemesh khan, then they should claim to be the politicians of pakistan a.k.a Made in pakistan!!

Anonymous said...

PPP zindabad jis nai likha hai us k liyai.Tu Bara ppp kr rya hai Teri maa zardari de run hai ya teri maa nou zardari nai kalay haray tai lal rang di bra lai k deti hai Jeri moonis nai la deti hai tenu adi agg lag gayi thik likhya se onhay. Zardari da lun Teri maa dai mou Wich tai moonis da lun Teri budhee de phudi Vich tai mera lun Teri baihan dai kusay vich tai tu khara ho k vekh kanjar de ulaad mera mutlab zardai de ulaad. Lai k dor ja ppp nou nahi tai Teri we gaandh Phar daini hai bahain chod kutay da Bacha bol hun jai zardari da hegaa aee tai

PML Q zindabad
Pervaiz Elahi zindabad
Moonis Elahi zindabad

Anonymous said...

Khurram butt nalay Teri maa de kusss upar wala we tere liyai he likhya hai.agar apnay baap zardari da hai na tai aaa Hun tere saray khandan de budiyaan Moonis he choday ga gashti dài bachya .

Kaaf League ka Abbu said...

2 pistol te 1 gun moonis di maa nu lun.

2 pukhey te 1 malang Pervez Elahi di pain nu lun.

2 sitary te 1 chann Pervez Musharraf di waddi nu lun

40 killo da 1 mann Ch. Shujaat di kurri nu lun.

2 ankhain te 2 kan Sheikh Rasheed di Maata nu lun..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ya Allah in muslamano ko hidayat de jo is tarah ki zubaan istimal karte hain. Ameen

Anonymous said...

Moonis Elahi's best freind and right hand man is being sought by interpol!!!!!

Anonymous said...

moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi moonis Ealhi CHOR!!!

Anonymous said...

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Fitte moon Tera !

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Maan ki kuss bhai tum sub logon ki jo manhoos elahi ki tatti hain.

tum logon ki behno, beevion aur maaon , betion ko taghra Baba Zulqurnain Shah Ka Lund.

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Anonymous said...

Mulk ka pesa wapas lao. People like moonis should be publicly hung and assets ceased.

Police should put Moonis's father Peji in jail like they put warraich's dad in jai. warraich is only face of the big evil who is moonis himself.

gaday khoon ki bemar ulad...moonis.

Moonis, Mohin, i know u read these comments everyday...just want to say "LLANAT TUM DONO KAY MOON PAR" i hope u stay in UK forever...we dont need thugs like u back in pakistan.

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