OK, I admit The Sun is the rubbishiest of newspapers, but…but for a brief moment imagine if what yesterday’s news item hints at, just turns out to be true.
I have never heard of Aconite. Has it really been used ‘in several high-profile assassinations in Pakistan’ as this piece asserts or is this wretched paper making it up to sell more copies.
Only time will tell.
And yes, the other piece of news in The Sun is that Jamaican detectives have identified a suspect on the newly cleaned and enhanced CCTV footage.
Potter drug did kill Woolmer
The Sun, April 20, 2007
CRICKET coach Bob Woolmer WAS poisoned by the “Harry Potter” drug aconite.
Toxicology tests have confirmed “significant” traces of it in the Pakistan coach’s body.
The tests were ordered following an anonymous tip to Jamaican police — eight days after Woolmer died — that aconite had been used.
Aconite, which paralyses the nerves, normally takes only 30 minutes to kill. Victims suffer vomiting and diarrhoea before collapsing unable to breathe, to die in agony.
Experts say the drug causes a sensation like ants crawling over the body.
A neck injury — which caused police to say Woolmer had been strangled — is now thought to have followed a fall when he collapsed.
Detectives believe the drug, in the form of white powder, could have been tipped into whisky Woolmer was drinking in his room — or sprinkled over sleeping tablets and diabetes pills he was taking.
The ancient poison, also known as wolfsbane, is said to be perfect for concealing murder and has been used in several high-profile assassinations in Pakistan.
… One senior police source said last night: “The toxicology tests show that he had significant traces of aconite.
“We are now entirely convinced he was poisoned. The fact that aconite has also previously been used in Pakistan may also be highly relevant.”
Another source added: “This murder proves that truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction. It is now an international inquiry and could ultimately involve high-level diplomatic discussions.”
'Suspect' over Bob Woolmer
The Sun, April 21, 2007
AN inquest into the death of Pakistan coach Bob Woolmer has been postponed — due to “significant developments” in the murder inquiry, it was revealed last night.
Detectives are believed to have identified a suspect on enhanced CCTV footage from his hotel in Jamaica. Sources say images cleaned up by Scotland Yard show a man of “considerable interest”.
They added: “The time of the footage and its location mean that this individual must be considered a suspect.”

M M Is the suspect.
M M ???
Not the guy, who when accused by the former Aussie captain Alan Border of offering him $500,000 to lose a test match, said he had only been joking?
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